Examinations Unit 
The KNDI Examinations Department borrows its mandate from section 13 (b) and (c) of the Nutritionists and Dietician Act No. 18 of 2007 which states that;
  • Prepare and conduct examinations for person seeking registration under the Act and
  • Charge appropriate examination fees in consultation with the Council of the Institute.
Annual professional examinations are conducted bi-annually (June and November), and so the Examinations Department and on behalf of the Accreditation Committee, is tasked with the responsibility to coordinate and implement efficiently and effectively the examinations processes as anchored in the KNDI Examination Policy within each financial year.
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To develop 2021/2022 master plan for the examination’s series for applicants by August 2021.
  2. To coordinate setting and moderation of 2000 exam questions by the end of June 2022.
  3. To coordinate administration of professional examinations for 4 cohorts by June 2022.
  4. To review test-blue print for setting of professional examinations by June 2022.
Internship Unit 
KNDI mandate is to prepare competent Nutritionist and Dieticians for entry into the profession. Nutritionists and Dieticians Act No.18 of 2007 specific role is to provide for the training, registration and licensing of Nutritionists and Dieticians. Hence, Internship is a legal requirement for registration and licensing to practice as a Nutritionist or Dietician (section 4 of the health laws amendment).
In addition, from the health law amendment 13 (f) and the KNDI strategic plan 2020-2025 have also focused on enhancing/strengthening the internship programme for graduates in Nutrition and Dietetics. Some of the highlights include;
  • Prepare training of persons to be registered and licensed.
  • Establish a strong pre-service training, capacity building framework on skills, competencies and empowerment for Nutrition and Dieticians professionals.
  • Build strong partnerships.
Internship enables graduates to gain hand on experience in real work practice. Therefore, internship unit objectives in line with the 3 documents (KNDI Act, Health laws amendment and the strategic plan 2020-2025) are;
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To post cohort 8 of degree interns to KNDI accredited institutions for competency-based training in PHN, CMN, CLN, CLD, FSN and FSDT by January 2022.
  2. To coordinate review of internship guidelines and assessment criteria for the six domains by 30th June 2022.
  3. To coordinate development of 6 training modules on critical competencies in Nutrition and Dietetics by 30th Nov. 2022.
Research Unit
This unit is part of the ATRI programmes as part of pushing the strategic agenda of KNDI for the period 2020 to 2025 to; Strengthen Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Food and Nutrition Security agenda for Kenya. The research department will strive to establish a Centre of Excellence in research coordination.
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To successfully coordinate planning & delivery of the 2nd Nutrition and Dietetics conference by November 2021.
  2. To publish Volume 5, Issue 1 of the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics by June 2022
  3. To organize two workshops on Grant writing and scientific writing by June 2022.
Quality Assurance (Training institutions and Health Inspections
Section 6 (c) and 6 (d) of the Nutritionists and Dieticians Act No 18 Of 2007 allows KNDI to enforce a program of quality assurance for the nutrition and dietetics profession and also approve institutions for the purpose of training respectively. This requires all persons in charge of training institutions that wish to offer training in nutrition and dietetics to seek permission from KNDI before engaging in such business. The sub-unit is in charge of ensuring all institutions that offer training in nutrition and dietetics are compliant with the set training standards.
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To inspect at least 3 training institutions on interim license for possible award of full license every quarter.
  2. To publish a list of compliant training institutions bi-annually by the end of June and December 2021 respectively.
  3. To monitor the implementation of core curriculum by sending questionnaires to 20 training institutions every quarter.
  4. To coordinate review of the core curricular guidelines by June 2021.
Quality Assurance (Food Value and CPD programmes and private practice)
The Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute was established by an Act of Parliament No.18 of 2007 (Cap 253B). CPD for nutritionists and dieticians is anchored on the functions of KNDI as per Act No.18 of 2007: PART 11, No.6(f) which mandates the institute to come up with CPD guidelines. KNDI determines and sets a framework for the professional practice of nutritionists and dieticians and endeavors to maintain the competencies of its members by updating their knowledge.
Section 36(2) and Legal notice no.216, 2019 also provides for registration of private facilities and pharmaceutical companies /businesses that engage in matters of nutrition services and food/nutrition supplements under CAP 253B.
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To award 1year practice license per quarter to at least 1 private facility/clinic intending to offer services in nutrition and dietetics.
  2. To publish a list of compliant facilities/private clinics biannually by the end of December 2021 and June 2022 respectively.
  3. Award 4-year license per quarter to at least 1 food company dealing with food / nutrition and dietetics marketing
  4. To identify and accredit 1 CPD provider quarterly
Registration and Indexing
Registration department is concerned with registration, licensing and renewal of professionals. It also does indexing to students to track students of nutrition and dietetics in accredited institutions.
Quality Objectives for Financial Year 2021/2022
  1. To set up system to register 2021/2022 cohort professionals by June 2022
  2. To put up systems to restore 20% of the professionals by the end of the financial year as at 30th June of each year in good standing.
  3. To set systems for indexing students bi-annually for eligibility to sit for KNDI professional examinations and undergo one-year internship.
  4. To provide accurate database quarterly for the compliant and non-compliant professionals retention and de registration respectively